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You know that feeling on Christmas Eve when Santa Claus is specifically making a pit stop at your house and the quicker you close your eyes, the sooner you’ll be ...
Dec 9th, 2020
When I was 25, I rode across Colombia and Ecuador with my then-partner Scott. We both rode cheap used bicycles with old knapsacks lashed onto the back. When it rained, ...
Dec 8th, 2020
This story originally appeared in the October/November 2020 issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine. As I neared the top of Chilkat Pass, everything vanished — swallowed by a dense fog. When ...
Oct 26th, 2020
We punched out early on Friday afternoon and departed our home in Seattle on electric bikes, eager to escape our COVID lockdown for a weekend getaway to celebrate our wedding ...
Oct 25th, 2020
Just when I reached the Golden Gate bridge, the nausea deepened. It was perfect. I took one hand off the steering wheel, rolled down the window, and vomited out the ...
Jun 30th, 2020
I’m writing this article two weeks after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic. People around the globe are practicing social distancing or going into quarantine. There is ...
Apr 6th, 2020
Seasoned bicycle traveler and writer Hilary Oliver has spent some time isolated from the rest of the world. Take a note or two out of her handbook to endure the social ...
Mar 23rd, 2020
Life has always been uncertain. But the recent COVID-19 virus outbreak has shattered a myth I’ve told myself for years: that I could plan things and count on them. A ...
Mar 20th, 2020
I put my head down and counted the pedal stokes forward, but the wind pushed so hard that it felt like madness. My cheeks stung, my knees ached, and I ...
Jan 7th, 2020
We walked into the dimly lit pub, our clipless shoes glancing off the concrete floor. As soon as I set my bags down at our table, I limped directly to ...
Dec 10th, 2019