TransAmerica Section 3

Product CodeBC-1513
Brand: Adventure Cycling Association
Current Stock403

403 in stock


Just east of Baker City, Oregon, Section 3 of the TransAm crosses the famous Oregon Trail, the route of the westward pioneers in the 1800s. Eastern Oregon is dry and can generate high summer temperatures so carrying extra water is important. The route crosses the Snake River into Idaho and follows several major rivers, including the Salmon and the Clearwater. You'll climb and descend from one drainage to the next. The White Bird Battlefield of the Nez Perce National Historic Park is along the route. There is a beautiful ride along the scenic Lochsa River before climbing Lolo Pass into Montana. The route crosses paths with the Lewis & Clark Bicycle Trail here. It ends in Missoula, Montana, home of Adventure Cycling Association - stop in and visit us!

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