Bicycle Route 66 Section 3
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You’ll encounter both flat terrain and rolling hills on this section of Bicycle Route 66. Oklahoma tends to slope gradually upward from its eastern to western boundaries. Woodlands and transitional prairie grasslands, composed of shortgrass, mixed-grass, and tallgrass prairie cover the central portion of the state. In the upper portion of Texas, referred to as the Panhandle, the Great Plains become a reality in the flat, wide open expanse of country you’ll be riding through. The route parallels I-44 between the Kansas border and Oklahoma City, then uses multiple frontage roads along I-40 between Oklahoma City and Adrian, Texas. The 12.9 miles of the route in Kansas retains much of the character of the Mother Road. Services are reasonably spaced with Tulsa, Oklahoma City and Amarillo offering full services and bike shops. West of Amarillo the route is all on roads that parallel the interstate.
Map Resources
- Map Features
- Map Updates and Corrections (Addenda) - Always be sure to check for map updates and corrections before leaving on your trip.
- Temporary Road Closure Information
- Frequently Asked Questions
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