Generational Joy

This article first appeared in the July 2022 issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine.  It was a sweltering 105°F outside of Tombstone, Arizona, as we headed east toward the Great Divide Mountain Bike ...

A Perfect Summer’s Ride in Norway

This article first appeared in the May 2016 issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine. “Kautokeino? Nei! Nei!” shouted the blue and red gákti-clad Sámi woman as we pointed to the head of Ofot ...

Raising Up Dad

“Well, now I can say I’ve done it,” he said as he squeezed out of the borrowed, narrow one-person tent. At age 63, it was my dad’s first time camping ...

Knock, Knock

This article first appeared in the June 2016 issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine. It was the end of the very first day of our bike journey across the U. S., and all ...

TransAmerica in Two Parts

Late on a Thursday night at National Geographic’s headquarters in Washington, DC, the fourth floor was dark but for a few dimly lit desks. There a handful of employees in ...

Oregon’s Volcanoes

The road into Bend was the icing on the cake. My eyes were sunken from exhaustion, my legs felt like lead, and I had a half-empty pizza box strapped to ...

Down But Not Out

This story originally appeared in the February 2021 issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine. Click here to join and receive a  year subscription. At first, the cancellations seemed like they might ...

Home, a Must-watch Adventure Film

About a year ago, I found myself once again lying in bed, my bandaged leg propped up on a wall of pillows. It was my second ACL reconstruction in two ...

True Companions

This story originally appeared in the May 2020 issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine.  On May 12, 1993, five strangers gathered at my home in Virginia to begin a cross-country bicycle tour. ...

The Double-Edged Sword of Trailblazing

Of all the things I’ve hoped to achieve in my lifetime, cycling across the country was not one of them. Yet I find myself here with the pleasant memory of ...