Adventure Cyclist

Scenes from the Saddle

One of my favorite hobbies outside of bicycle touring is beach volleyball. I’m not very good, but I do enjoy the time at the beach and with old and new ...
May 23rd, 2024
My first exposure to bike touring was Alastair Humphreys’ book, Moods of Future Joy. In it, he chronicles the first part of his four-year tour around the world, which was ...
Feb 6th, 2024
People have been cooking on fire for hundreds of thousands of years. About a third of the world’s population still cooks on fire. Wood is humanity’s OG cooking fuel. When I ...
Jan 19th, 2024
“My shoulders are going to give out,” I thought as I wrestled my loaded bike over tan, fist-sized rocks up another steep slope. I reminded myself to engage my core ...
Aug 10th, 2023
The Bikepacker’s Guide, originally published in 2015, was the first guide of its kind. It was co-authored for Salsa Cycles by bikepackers Kait Boyle and Kurt Refsnider. Two years later, ...
Aug 9th, 2023
Light Our best advice is to use natural light to your advantage: shoot early around sunrise and shoot late around sunset. Full noon sun might feel great on your cheeks, ...
Jun 21st, 2023
The pages of our magazine are stuffed to the gills with stellar examples of photography shot from a multitude of trusty touring saddles. We at Adventure Cyclist cheer aloud every ...
Jun 21st, 2023
When people ask me about cycling gear, I generally say that if I’m not thinking about it (brake levers, sleeping pad, etc.), then it’s working perfectly. I used to ride ...
Jun 2nd, 2023
My boss’s thick white mustache twitched nervously under fluorescent lights in the tiny office. Outside, the stars still shone bright in a navy blue sky of frozen predawn. I told ...
Jan 16th, 2023
Every time the Adventure Cycling catalog arrives at my house, I sit down, flip it open to the centerfold, and stare. It’s a map of the United States, laced with ...
Jan 12th, 2023