- December 2014/January 2015
From the Cascades to the Sierra. Plus: Arizona is for Cyclists, Jambo Kenya, Old Spokes Home profile
- October/November 2014
Exploring Northwest Montana’s Fire Lookouts. Plus: More Cowbell in Switzerland, Minneapolis Forecast: Warm Showers, Rivendell Bicycle Works
- August/September 2014
Route 66. Plus: In Search of the Great War, Uncrowded Montana, and Packbiking the Tobacco Roots
- July 2014
Recumbent Roundup. Plus: Touring Austria’s Rivers, Along the Mekong, and the Mystery of Mike Rust
- June 2014
The Early Crossers. Plus: Bicycling Across Turkey in 1891, Charles Siple Profile, and A Tale of the Trace
- May 2014
Along the Canol. Plus: Fall in the Ozarks, Driftless in Wisconsin, and the Fabulous French Family
- April 2014
Touring Bike Buyer’s Guide. Plus: Adventure Cycling Annual Report, Solidream, Bike Tour Logistics, and Educating on Wheels
- March 2014
The Great Divide, Part 2. Plus: 2013 Photo Contest Winners, Québec’s Route Verte, and a Road Test of the Fuji Touring
- February 2014
Ride Unloaded: Cycle Greater Yellowstone. Plus: Ride RAGBRAI, Tour of Germany, Ageless Cycling